Is Accelerationism the Same Thing as Falling In Love (with Amy Ireland, interview with Alexander Iadarola)
Interview for Spike Art Magazine
‘Trans’ as in Transcendental: Becoming, Pragmatics, and Pure Potential
Cuvier and Geoffroy redux
Guattari/Takis Dialogue
Translation of a previously unpublished 1992 dialogue between Félix Guattari and the artist Takis
The Acceleration Towards Cuteness (with Amy Ireland)
Interview with CATASTROP(H)IC zine on Cute Accelerationism
Israel-Palestine: Federation or Apartheid?
A journey into the dark corners of Zionism’s ideological past
Machinic Unconscious Happy Hour Podcast (with Amy Ireland)
In this wide-ranging podcast we talk about life, love, philosophy, origin stories, cuteness, and more.
Social Discipline Podcast (with Amy Ireland)
Podcast with Mattin and Miguel Prado, on Cute Accelerationism and much much more.
Nick Land: Um Experimento no Inumanismo
Portuguese translation of ‘Nick Land: An Experiment in Inhumanism’ by Clarice Pelotas
‘Cuteness Cares Nothing for Judgement’ (with Amy Ireland)
Interview on Cute Accelerationism with Clarice Pelotas (English, Portuguese, Turkish)
An interview with Russell Haswell and Hugo Esquinca
On their Cadaver Exquisito project made during coronavirus lockdown
Éditions de Parfums Frédéric Malle: The First Twenty Years
Charting the first two decades of the pioneering ‘perfume publisher’
Towards a Transcendental Deduction of Jungle (Interview) (Part 1)
Interview on CCRU, cybernetics, music, and the Warwick scene
Exposition/Exercise: Propositions sur l’objet Integratif de l’Art Contemporain
On the relevance of Anne-Françoise Schmid’s concept of the Integrative Object for contemporary art
François Bayle ‘The Acousmonium’
Text by François Bayle on the origins and philosophy behind his sound diffusion system
Éric Alliez and Jean-Claude Bonne, ‘Unframing Painting, “Pushing Back the Walls”’
On Matisse, Yve-Alain Bois, and Colour
Swim with Me: Éliane Radigue’s Apprenticeship in Sound
On the musical pedagogy of Eliane Radigue
Anne-Françoise Schmid, ‘The Philosophical Underpinnings of Design Theory’
Interdisciplinary scientific objects, the generic, and the discipline of design
Jean-Luc Godard: Voyage(s) en Utopie
Three texts on Jean-Luc Godard’s vexed relationship with the museum and the exhibition format
François J. Bonnet, ‘The Infra-World’ (with Amy Ireland)
The world beneath language and objectivated sensation
Stages, Plots, and Traumas
The essential tools of the detective and the therapist alike are the scalpel and the compass
Alain Badiou, ‘From False Globalisation to the One Communist World’
Badiou expands on his communist hypothesis
Text for the book documenting Pamela Rosenkranz’s installation ‘Our Product’ for the 2016 Venice Biennale.
Bernard Stiegler, ‘Rights and Duties of Non-Inhuman Being in the Digital Episteme’
On the right to the non-inhuman
Éric Alliez, ‘How Asger Jorn Stole the Value-Form of Modern Art’
On Asger Jorn, painting, situationism, and the avant-garde
François Laruelle, ‘Christo-Fiction’
Laruelle’s non-standard collision of religion and quantum theory
Alain Badiou, Our Wound Is Not So Recent
Badiou’s analysis of the 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris
Songs of Labour and Pleasure
An idiosyncratic mixtape that traces the relationship between work and eroticism through popular song.
Archipelagic Listening
Podcast with musician and author François J. Bonnet, discussing his book The Order of Sounds.
François J. Bonnet, ‘The Order of Sounds’
An examination of listening as a plurivocal phenomenon
Anne-Françoise Schmid, ‘Lost Films as Philosophical Fiction’
Text for the programme of the 2016 UNdocumenta film festival, Gwangju.
Speculation et Circulation: Alliances Opportunes et Théoriques entre Philosophie et L’Art Contemporain
On the various relations between art, philosophy, and contemporary disquiet (in French)
Anne-Françoise Schmid, ‘The Madonna on the Craters of the Moon’
Anne-Françoise Schmid’s proposal for an aesthetic epistemology
Given Practice
Sleevenotes for Mattin and Miguel Prado’s ‘Evacuation of the Voice’, on subjectivation, sound, and the voice
Quentin Meillassoux, ‘Iteration, Reiteration, Repetition: A Speculative Analysis of the Meaningless Sign’
Meillassoux reveals the figures of speculation
Die Rückkehr des Fauns/Return of the Faun
Preview programme notes for Florian Hecker’s FAVN (in German & English)
Gilles Châtelet, ‘A Martial Art of Metaphor: Two Interviews’
Materials discovered in the Châtelet archive in Paris
Preface to ‘The Brain-Eye’
An introduction to the methodological and conceptual stakes of Alliez’s studies of modern painting
Éric Alliez and Jean-Clet Martin, ‘The Brain-Eye: New Histories of Modern Painting’
A detailed and inventive study of the thinking at work in modern painting
Jean Cavaillès and Albert Lautman, ‘Mathematical Thought’
Discussion of Cavaillès and Lautman’s Theses on mathematics and reality
Perspective, Hallucination, Synthesis
Talk given in Porto on the occasion of Florian Hecker’s ‘Formulations’ show.
Gesture as Playlist
Presentation on choreography and the digital, B3 Biennial of the Moving Image in Frankfurt
From Site to Plot to Yarn
Talk given at Goldsmiths, as part of the ‘Futures and Fictions’ series
On Sound and Artificial Neural Networks (Interview with Florian Hecker)
Interview with Florian Hecker
Our Product (with Pamela Rosenkranz)
Collaborative text with Pamela Rosenkranz to accompany her work for the Swiss Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2015.
Jean-Louis Boissier, ‘The Bus of Les Immatériaux’
Reflections on Les Immatériaux by one of the exhibitors
Jean-François Lyotard, ‘After Six Months of Work…’
Lyotard’s previously unpublished interim report to Centre Pompidou on the project for Les Immatériaux
François Laruelle, ‘The Concept of Non-Photography’
An introduction to Laruelle’s non-philosophy by way of photography
Speculum Topographicum
Video documentation of the installation made as part of The Ultimate Yarnwork project.
A series of podcasts made during The Ultimate Yarnwork residency at Bergen Kunsthalle in 2015.
The Ultimate Yarnwork
Video sketch dramatizing and abstracting popular motifs of plots and plotting
Quentin Meillassoux, ‘Mallarmé’s Materialist Divinization of the Hypothesis’
Presentation of The Number and the Siren.
Gilles Châtelet, ‘To Live and Think Like Pigs’
Châtelet’s burlesque portrait of neoliberalism and its cyber-acolytes
The Idiots Have Won: From the Pre-Cambrian to the Post-Facebook with Matthew Noel-Tod’s ‘Bang’
Talking Dogs, Debord, and Nathan Barley
Event, Screen, Concert (Unmaking Worlds with Cerith and Florian)
Cerith Wyn Evans and Florian Hecker’s No night no day (Venice 2009)
Skin Games: A Primer
Accompanying text for Florian Hecker and Reza Negarestani’s C.D.—A Script for Synthesis
Anti-Gravity: Beyond the Planet Earth with Paul Chaney and a Swarm of Locusts
Turborealism, cosmism, locusts, and forest gardens: The work of artist Paul Chaney
François Laruelle, Anti-Badiou
Laruelle’s polemical tract against Badiou’s ‘philosophical Maoism’.
Marquis de Sade, ‘Address to the Piques Section’
Translation of De Sade’s political speech in honor of Marat and Le Pelletier
Art and the Practice of Non-Philosophy
Presentation on Laruelle and the work of Pamela Rosenkranz, at Pavilion, Leeds
Quentin Meillassoux, The Number and the Siren
Meillassoux’s bold new interpretation of Mallarmé’s masterwork Un coup de dés
Quentin Meillassoux, ‘The Contingency of the Laws of Nature’
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 30:2
Response to Laruelle on Non-Photography
Response to François Laruelle’s presentation at Goldsmiths
François Laruelle, ‘Photo-Fiction: An Exercise in Non-Standard Aesthetics’
The construction of a ‘photo-fictional’ camera
Notes on White Coal
Research paper for John Gerrard during the development of his Pulp Press (Kistefos) 2013.
Correlation, Contingency, Trauma
Talk on architecture and geophilosophy for the Proto/Eco/Logics conference
Whey To Go: The Hominid Appropriation of the Pig Function (with FIELDCLUB)
Study of ecological meshwork
Beyond the Pleasure Principle
Programme notes for the John Gerrard and Wayne McGregor’s Royal Ballet performance Live Fire Exercise
Quentin Meillassoux, ‘Metaphysics and Extro-Science Fiction’
In Florian Hecker’s Speculative Solution
Synthetic Liter[e]alism
Essay on the minimalism, precisionism, and realism in the work of John Gerrard
Whither the Field Club? Field Club Revivalism Today (with FIELDCLUB)
On the prehistory of FIELDCLUB
These Broken Impressions
Essay on psychoacoustics and hallucination in the work of Florian Hecker
Infinite Freedom Exercise
Unpublished text on John Gerrard’s Infinite Freedom Exercise (Near Abadan, Iran), 2011.
Body Count (with Amanda Beech)
Collaborative text with Amanda Beech on death, the image, and power
Pierre Macherey, ‘Althusser and the Concept of the Spontaneous Philosophy of Scientists’
Philosophy, initiation, and spontaneity
Qu’est-ce que Aphex § Hecker? Paris 9.7.09
Aphex Twin and Florian Hecker’s performance at Warp 20
The Adventure of Nihilism: Ray Brassier, ‘Nihil Unbound’
Review of Ray Brassier’s book ‘Nihil Unbound: Enlightenment and Extinction’
Gilles Deleuze, ‘Mathesis, Science and Philosophy’
Deleuze’s 1946 introduction to Introduction to Malfatti’s Studies on Mathesis. Collapse vol. 3
Jean-René Vernes and the Obduracy of Matter
Notes on the prehistory of Quentin Meillassoux’s thinking on contingency
On Reza Negarestani’s ‘Undercover Softness’
Response to Reza Negarestani’s presentation on decay at Goldsmiths in 2006
The Gutter Life Ungilded : Studies for a Portrait of Adrian Maddox
Portrait of Classic Cafés connoisseur Adrian Maddox
Controversy over the Possibility of a Science of Philosophy
A heated discussion between Jacques Derrida and François Laruelle, published in La Decision Philosophique No. 5, April 1988.
Notes on the Incalculable Real and Chaitin’s Omega
On Gödel coding, Gregory Chaitin’s Omega Constant, and other matters
Squalor, Intoxication, Creation
Theory-fiction exploring the life and work of painter Francis Bacon
Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Wildstyle in Full Effect
An early essay in delirious junglist schizoanalysis
Megadérive (with PYPCS)
Entertainment goes hormonal, bacterial, viral, genetic…give the kids what they want